Our latest seminar in Namibia

BossoFX course by Braze De Klerk


On January 18, we organized a special training seminar known as the BossoFX course in Windhoek, Namibia.

The main goal of this event was to introduce Forex trading to people in Namibia. We discussed the fundamentals of Forex trading, and the main instruments and technical analysis tools required to make profitable trades. In particular, we focused on the Bosso Fx strategy for fundamental and technical analysis.

Thank everyone who joined us for this event. We hope that you had a productive time and this will be a good start of your trading career.

Robert Thompson


New Seminar in Cotonou, Benin

We thank you all for joining us during this event.

Robert Thompson


Seminar in Cotonou, Bénin

We held our first seminar in Bénin

Robert Thompson


Training Seminar in Benin City

Local traders could learn at our local office in Nigeria

Robert Thompson